Seasonal Fodder : Smoked Corn on the Cob

imageMr Sloan likes to drop the occasional, not so subtle hint about recipes he would like to try… Wait, let me rephrase that – Mr Sloan drops hints about recipes he would like me to try out, that he can then eat.

On Saturday morning, he had already mentioned (several times), that he’d seen sweetcorn being smoked on ‘Saturday Kitchen’ and what a great idea it was.

Later in the day at the greengrocer, after I had already got what I needed, we had a conversation that went a little like this…

Him: “So have you got the sweetcorn?”

Me : “Sweetcorn? What do we need sweetcorn for?”

Him : “Well I thought that *we were going to try cooking the smoked sweetcorn.”

*by ‘we’ he means ‘you’

Me : “Are *we? Do you want to try the smoked sweetcorn?”

* by ‘are we?’, I mean, ‘Am I?’

Him : “Yeah, I will eat that as my veg.”

And so we got the sweetcorn.

I must admit that Mr Sloan does make some good recipe suggestions, even if done so in a roundabout way! The smoked sweetcorn was delicious, and so easy to do. The smokey aroma and flavour of the corn went really well with our beef short ribs. I will definitely be having it again. And by ‘I’, I mean ‘we’.



2 corn on the cob with husks


Line the bottom of a pan with some foil.

Peel the husks off the corn and place them in layers on top of the foil.

Put the pan on a high heat, with the lid on for about 5minutes.

Remove the silk from the cobs and wash them. Break them in half and then place inside the pan, on top of the husks.

Put the lid on the ban and leave to smoke for up to 10 minutes, on a medium to high heat.

Take off the heat, but leave the corn in the pan with the lid on, for a further 5 minutes.

Serve and enjoy!